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A swift man shall not flee, and a strong man guess not himself to be saved; at the north, beside the flood [of] Euphrates, they were overcome, and fell down. (But the swift shall not be able to flee away, and the strong shall not be able to save themselves; in the north, by the Euphrates River, they were overcome, and fell down.)

Who is this, that ascendeth as a flood, and his swells waxed great as of floods? (Who is this, who goeth up like a flood, yea, like a river overflowing its banks?)

Egypt ascended at the likeness of a flood, and his waves shall be moved as [the] floods; and it shall say, I shall ascend, and cover the earth; I shall lose the city, and (the) dwellers thereof. (It is Egypt that goeth up like a flood, yea, like a river overflowing its banks; and it shall say, I shall rise, and cover the earth; I shall destroy the city, and its inhabitants.)

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